Dog Rescue in Weatherford, Texas

Adopt a Dog

We have many adoptable dogs waiting for their forever homes and families. If you're interested in adopting, we invite you to take a look at our available dogs via the appropriate button below and then visit our adoption page to learn more about our adoption process.

Ways to Help

From fostering a dog or volunteering with us to making a donation, there are plenty of ways you can support us in our mission of saving dogs and finding good, permanent homes for them. Click on any of the buttons below to find out how you can help.

Who We Are

Weatherford Wags is a small, foster home–based dog rescue in Weatherford, Texas, dedicated to saving urgent dogs at animal shelters in and near Parker County. We also attempt to help strays and unwanted dogs to keep them out of shelters and get them into loving homes.

Share your adoption success story!

Have you adopted a dog from us? Send us your adoption success story and let us know how our Weatherford Wags alumni are doing in their forever homes. We may feature your story on our website, on our social media channels, and/or in other communications.